Azure stories. Azure and Java

There's always a story to tell behind the stage, and this is one of many why I like VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services). 
Recently I was working with a client trying to find the best cloud architecture for their project. 
The small problem was that they we're writing in Java and I am a Microsoft Technology Stack, so the first problem I encountered was how to start because I know 'something' about cloud and azure but I don't know how to proceed with web applications wrote in Java.
The easiest way is to Google something... but Googling something isn't enough because you can Google only the source code and you need something up and running ready to show.  The running something is the biggest problem here - how I can build Java, how to test it.
So I have some skills in DevOps in VSTS, i love VSTS and i like creating Continuous Integrations on it. 

So what I did 

  1. search to get any website in Java. Simple Hello World will be enough. 
  2. download it. Store in Git repository on VSTS to have all the permissions to repository I needed.
  3. created a build, so VSTS makes a package for me.
  4. deploy to azure.
  5. up and running (?)

Of course I need to Google it how to make a build because I didn't know that Java is build by Maven.
When the build was successfully ended I had a package that I could deploy to Azure infrastructure and just have an application up and running in few minutes. Well maybe few more because there is still few options on Azure side that need to be configured, and the bigger choice the bigger decision problem.

So I want to show how to create a build for Java website and then have to Deploy it Azure. Azure gives us a lot of options for the application deployments and I don't know if I can cover all of them. Will start with the most useful. 
This is just an introduction technical stuff will come later.

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