Azure and Java. The build

Backstory I already told so now some pure devops.
The Java Hello World. I found first site that was simple index page with greetings. I forked it and added my own text just to be sure that's the page I'm looking for. You can get the repository here.

Creating build definition is very simple because it's almost whole template. The only thing I change is removing restriction on published files types. I want to use .war not .jar in future release definition.
Ready definition you can get here, or create it like shown below. Additionally I also created Hello World Asp MVC application and build for it. I will use it as side by side solution to show more options. Repo and build definition.

After running the build you have artifacts ready for deploying to Azure App Service.
There are few ways to deploy application to Azure App Service but first we need to create it.

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