About Me: Joanna Lamch

First of all sorry for my English. It's not my mother tongue but it's much easier to write in English then in Polish, when in work we all use Ponglish (very strange mix of both languages with additional IT and programming related terms and slang).

Here is short official introduction:

I'm a self-motivated, self-driven, open-minded, experienced Microsoft Technology Stack Developer. Lately Xamarin developer, passionate of defensive coding. In my opinion software development is more like gardening and less like architecture, it needs constant care, changes, decision making and support, and it is something that I very like to do, that's why I like to think of myself as a Software Gardener and Senior Software Developer.

Not official introduction:

I'm experiences Microsoft Technologi Stack Developer (10+) with no self-confidence. I have wide knowledge, and no specialty. I'm workaholic and the coding monkey from dark basement.
I wanted to write down some of my stories, I wanted to create my own space in internet but I'm too scared that someone will read it and use it against me.
I wanted to prepare myself for public speaking with writing down ideas, articles that could be presented before public, but I already know it won't happen. The kind of dream that never comes true.
I sill want to post my observations on technologies, stories about learning, stories about problems and their solutions.
Writing in English is also a good exercise itself :)

If you want to know few fackts from employment check me on LinkedIn

The stories I decided to write down i post under label about me.

Few links worth (to me) collecting

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